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About Us

Welcome to The Pope Francis Catholic Multi Academy Company​​​​​​​

The Pope Francis Catholic Multi Academy Company is the family of Catholic schools in Oxfordshire, who work together to promote the teaching of Christ and the Catholic faith.

We believe each person is a unique creation made in the image of and likeness of God, called by name, with a special vocation and gifts to bring to the world.  We seek to develop these talents in each individual by being a beacon for Catholic education in Oxfordshire.

Our vision is:-

  • To provide a culture, ethos and practice in each school that is distinctively Catholic, with the love of God at the centre, offering service and reconciliation to all.
  • To grow, develop and continue to provide opportunities and experiences to encourage our students, at every stage of progress, to achieve their full potential, preparing them to face the future with confidence and a sense of their place in our diverse society.
  • To provide outstanding teaching and learning enabling our pupils to become self-motivated, aspirational lifelong learners.
  • To enhance, broaden and strengthen effective relationships between our parishes, homes and schools, thereby continuing to grow in faith and understanding together.
  • To value all students, staff, parents and carers who attend and/or work in our schools, whether Catholic, of other faiths or none.

We are a Catholic Multi Academy Company within the Archdiocese of Birmingham; our founders are the Barberi and Newman Academy Trust.  We have a close working relationship with the Diocesan Education Service, the Local Authority, the Department for Education, the Education and Skills Funding Agency and other local schools and academies. 

We are committed to striving for excellence in delivering Catholic education for our students.  We pray that the Pope Francis Multi Academy Company will lead and inspire all who attend, work and teach in our academies to achieve their potential by following in the path of Christ.